Enhances penalties and allows for the suspension or revocation of an indivdual's drivers license if they are convicted of a road rage incident.
Governor Signed
3/18/2024, 11:44:00 AM
Active Transportation and Canal Trail Amendments
Rep. Rosemary Lesser
Requires the state to inventory certain canals, directs UDOT to develop a canal trail toolkit for municipalities, and allows the Transportation Commission to consider canal trails for corridor preservation as part of the Utah Trails Network.
House/ filed
3/1/2024, 11:59:59 PM
Electric Bike Amendments
Rep. Jeff Stenquist
Clarifies the state definition of e-bikes to exclude certain e-motorcycles and requires manufacturers and sellers to label the class of e-bike before sale.
Governor Signed
3/20/2024, 9:57:00 AM
Safe School Route Evaluations
Rep. Mellisa Ballard
Requires school districts to include priority recommendations for infrastructure improvements in child access routing plans. Requires municipalities and counties to, within 60 days, evaluate these recommendations, provide feedback, and prioritize any improvements or actions they will take to improve safety on these routes for the following year.
House/ filed
3/1/2024, 11:59:59 PM
Bicycle Amendments
Rep. Birkeland
Removes requirement for cyclists to keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times. Instead, requires cyclists to "maintain control and safe operation."