Support? Bill # Bill Title Sponsor Description Status Last Action
HB0088 Housing Policy Amendments Rep. Ward Provides that an internal or external accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a permitted use on single-family residential lots within an urban city (1st or 2nd class county). Prohibits requiring larger ADU setbacks than is required for the primary dwelling. House/ filed 3/7/2025, 11:59:00 PM
HB0090 Zoning Amendments Rep. Ward Provides that small lot homes (at least 4000 sq ft) are a permitted use in an urban city (1st or 2nd class county). House/ filed 3/7/2025, 11:59:00 PM
HB0134 Food Cart Amendments Rep. Dailey-Provost Clarifies that food carts are allowed to be pulled by an ebike. Governor Signed 3/19/2025, 9:23:00 PM
HB0290 Bicycle Lane Safety Amendments Rep. Mauga Prohibits driving or parking within bike lanes, with the exceptions of turning, emergency or service vehicles. Requires cities and UDOT to minimize bike lane obstructions from construction or provide a detour. Governor Signed 3/27/2025, 10:04:00 AM
HB0523 Rio Grande Plan Amendments Rep. Dailey-Provost Establishes the Rio Grande Financial Advisory Authority, to explore potential funding sources for the Rio Grande Plan. This proposal is to restore rail service to the Rio Grande Depot as Salt Lake City's central train station. House/ filed 3/7/2025, 11:59:00 PM
HB0554 Bicycle Rack Amendments Rep. Mauga Creates a grant program for the installation and maintenance of public bicycle racks. House/ filed 3/7/2025, 11:59:00 PM
HB0565 Traffic Safety Amendments Rep. Fitisemanu Establishes a red light camera pilot program to allow the Department of Transportation and law enforcement agencies to install and operate red light cameras at up to 10 high-risk intersections based on crash and fatality data House/ filed 3/7/2025, 11:59:00 PM
SB0195 Transportation Amendments Sen. Harper Prohibits SLC from implementing or executing any "highway reduction strategies", including narrowing road widths, installing traffic calming improvements, and lowering speed limits. Requires municipalities to update plans by 2027 to improve transportation connectivity. This includes fixing barriers to biking, transit, walking, and other vehicle access to key destinations. (And many other provisions). Governor Signed 3/26/2025, 9:47:00 AM
SB0212 Motor Assisted Transportation Devices Amendments Sen. Plumb Requires ebike riders under 21 years old to wear a helmet when riding on a road. Clarifies the definition of "motorcycle" to exclude ebikes. Senate/ filed 3/7/2025, 11:59:00 PM
SCR002 Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Practices that Promote Child Independence Sen. Fillmore Encourages practices that promote child independence, including safe, self-directed travel and outdoor play. Highlights benefits for active transportation and "free-range kids," such as improved resilience, confidence, and mental health. Governor Signed 3/19/2025, 8:25:00 AM